Order securely online by pointing your browser to:
(non-secure online ordering is also available)
Run the 'Register MacAttack' program. You need to enter your name, email, & postal address. The form accepts many different payment methods such as: US Check, Money Order, Cash (in many different currencies), Visa, Mastercard, American Express, First Virtual, and Invoice. Send it to Kagi Shareware: Either email the data generated by the registration program or print it and send it via postal mail or fax. Credit card information is encrypted by the Register program. After ordering, you'll receive a confirmation from Kagi. Please eMail, FAX or mail the User ID#that appears at the start of the game to New Reality We need this to send you a password to unlock the game.
Run the demo and select the 'Order' button while starting up. Fill out the order form, print and mail it (w/payment - cash, check or money order) to the address on the form. The User ID# will appear on this form.
NOTE: Don't forget to inlcude the User ID# and please include an eMail address if you have one for the fastest service. If you don't have eMail you should leave a phone or FAX number.